Change Log for July 9th, 2020

Changes to default Codec Order

Codec Order preferences were updates in the NYC UMS (Universal Media Stack) to accommodate upcoming changes to Softphones and also to better support new WebRTC services.

New codec order preference for Audio is:

  1. OPUS
  2. PCMU (g711-uLAW)
  3. PCMA (g711-aLAW)
  4. G729

Codec negotiations are done in a top down selection, with OPUS getting the highest priority and G729 getting the lowest.

This codec ordering is the default, and be can overwritten by adjusting the codec selection on the provisioned device.

If you have any questions about this change, please contact support.

Addition of new static media server in NYC Supernode

Added a new media server in the NYC media to help support expansion. –

Updated on July 9, 2020

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